Thursday, December 2, 2010

So far, 15 people have answered our Facebook survey about dorms. Here are the most liked dorms and the best and worst part of living in the dorms:

TOP DORM = Kittredge
2nd Place – Libby, Farrand and Sewell all tied!
3rd Place – Hallet
4th Place - Baker 

BEST THING ABOUT LIVING IN A DORM = The constant company of living in a hall full of people! In the dorms, you are surrounded by a bunch of people your own age at all times. There is always someone around to hang out with, study with or talk to.

These positive things were also mentions:
Food being made for you; no dishes, no cooking, no problem!
Making friends that have lasted through the years.
Being close to campus!
Someone else cleans your bathroom!

WORST THING ABOUT LIVING IN A DORM = The lack of privacy. Living with someone else can have its challenges. Sometimes you just want “alone” time, which is near impossible when another person is only a couple feet away from you.

These negative things were also mentioned:
The TWIN bed.
Strict enforcement of policies including no alcohol, weed or noise.
Monotony of dorm food.
Communal showers
Loudness in the halls when you need quiet time.
Ironically, the best and worst part about living in a dorm is the constant presence of people.  Take it as you will. 

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