Thursday, December 9, 2010


After interviewing and surveying over forty people, we have concluded that: 

The best dorm on campus is Farrand Hall. 

The best part of dorm life is being around friends 24/7. 

The worst part is the lack of privacy that comes from living in the same room with someone else. 

Interview with Kyle Kosco, a sophomore at Flagler College, a small private college located in St. Augustine, FL:

Q: Where do you go to school and what year are you?

A: I'm a sophomore at Flagler College.

Q: What style dorm did you live in in?

A: A 3-story dormitory which was unfortunately, all guys. All the rooms were doubles joined by a
common bathroom. There was one RA per floor, but I never saw mine much.

Q: What was your favorite part of living in the dorms?

A: Being near all my buds, not having to drive across town just to see friends.

Q: How did you like sharing a bathroom with only 3 other people?

A: It definitely got really dirty with 3 guys but I do prefer it over sharing one with an entire floor.

Q: How was your roommate?

A: He was good, we got along fine. We went to high school together, but I do wish that I roomed with someone I didn't know before.

Q:What was your least favorite part about the dorms?

A: Room checks. They were usually towards the end of every month. Basically, RA's would come
around and search our room, fridge, and closet. The no girls aspect was a downer as well.

Q: Could you describe your overall dorm experiece?

A: I'd say that while we were there, we complained a fair amount and maybe more than we should
have. But looking back, we made the best out of it and it wasn't as bad as we thought it was at the time. Living off campus is the way to go.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Interview with Previous Williams Village Resident Courtney Steinkrauss

Q: What are the best and worst parts of living in an off campus dorm?
A: Worst Part: Buff Bus. You got pushed around a lot to try and get on in the mornings, waiting in the snow for the bus. I wish I lived on a co-ed floor because living on an all girls floor was catty.

Q: Best part of WillVill
A: Burritos, Secret tunnel between Sterns East and West no one knew about, bigger rooms than other dorms.

Q: And the negatives? 
A: Definitely outweigh the positives.

Q: Did you know your roommate previously? Did you guys get along? Was your floor all friends?
A: No, it was a random assignment. Yes, but she transferred after first semester so then I had a single. I liked having a single because it was more space, but it was lonely. The people on my floor were not friends with anyone, it was very segregated. Doors were constantly closed.

Q: Where would you rather have lived and why?
A: I would have rather lived anywhere around Farrand Field because a better community of freshman, closer classes, better food, and no buff bus.

Q: Did you feel like you built a relationship with your RA?
A: Yes, she was my next door neighbor. She was really nice and I felt that I could always go to here if I had a question. She helped me find my community service hours and when someone puked in the bathroom she never said anything.

Q: How was your overall experience living in the dorms?
A: It was fine, I would have rather been in a different dorm, but I had a good experience.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Survey Results

We surveyed 40 CU students on Facebook about their favorite dorm on campus. Here are the results: 

Curious about all the dorms on campus?

Check out this website for information on ALL the dorms on CU's Campus! 

Interview with Nate Beard

Q: What dorm did you live in last year?
A: I lived in Smith Hall, in Kittridge.

Q: Did you enjoy the overall experience of living in the dorms?
A: Absolutely, wouldn't have had it any other way.

Q: What was the best aspect of dorm life for you?
A: Easily the people in my hall and surronding halls. It's extremely convenient being able to walk next door or down the hall to hang out with good friends.

Q: What was the worst part?
A: RA's constantly patrolling the hallways, looking for any small infraction of residence hall policies.CSO's were 10 times worse though.

Q: What was your fondest memory of living in the dorms?
A:  When my roommate, Kyle, tried his first “brownie”. I came back to the room to find Kyle rolling on the ground and not speaking because he believed he was mute. I had to take his shoes off and put him in bed. He didn't speak for another 4 hours. Wow.

Q: Words of advice for freshmen living in the dorms?
A:If you're over 18, don't get caught.

Freshman Taylor Deisinger's Ideas on Living in the Dorms

A freshman from California, Taylor began living in Williams Village, but moved to Crossman Hall in the Engineering quad. She now lives in a triple with two other roommates.

Why did you choose to leave Williams Village?
The Buff Buses were unreliable.  

Is there anything you miss about WillVill?
Being able to get off campus and not always being at school.

What do you like most about living in the dorms?
The location to my classes and being able to meet so many new people.

What is your least favorite part of dorm life?
The food. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Rating of Housing at CU Boulder by Prowler

Interview with Anna Casady – Baker RA

Q: Why did you want to become an RA?
A: Besides the out of state tuition being really high and the great compensation RA’s get, it’s also a great resume builder. Also my RA freshman year helped me out a lot because I came here not knowing anyone and she made the transition really smooth. Overall I wanted to give back and help out freshman adjusting to college life and I’m also a big people person.

Q: What are the best and the worst things about living in the dorms?
A: Good things: Food and convenience. Not having to worry about cooking or doing dished is a really nice luxury I take advantage of. Baker is the center of campus so I’m close to everything, going to the library or gym is super easy and more flexible to get together with people. It’s also nice to have people around all the time.

Negatives: Size of the room, having 500 neighbors. The rooms are cramped and not very private. There is not really a spot to have your own space away from everyone besides your room. Everyone living in the dorms is on their own schedules and it can get loud sometimes.

Q: What is one of the worst memories you've had about being an RA and some of the best?
A: Bad Memories: Writing students up. I don’t enjoy that aspect of the job, but you have to do it. It’s frustrating when freshman don’t realize that it’s for the betterment of the hall, safety, and not a personal attack by me to them. I have to follow a protocol and if they hate me for doing my job it’s hard not to take things personally.

Best Memories: I've had a ton of fun going to Pearl Street with residents for dinner or just hanging out in the dorms. I've made some really close friends with girls on my floor and I really appreciate those relationships. Also the bond a staff has is really fun and we always make the best out of every situation, like training. It's a lot of work but can be a ton of fun with the right people.

Q: What is one of the greatest challenges of being an RA?
A: I think the greatest challenge being an RA is balancing time. The job can really suck away other aspects of my life like school and friends outside the job. Sometimes it's hard to keep in touch with people when I'm busy with the job and school.

Q: How is it to be an authority figure among peers you live with?
A: I don’t like to think of myself as an authority figure, I prefer mentor. I always try to help them with school or just to hang out. The only time I really feel like an authority figure is dealing with judicial aspects of the job. That can be tough because it changes the dynamic of the friendship or mentor/resident relationship and sometimes it’s hard to get that back.

Q: Does being an RA affect you or your social life with living with freshmen?
A: Friends I've had since freshman year have to be patient and understand that I'm busy a lot of the time. It is more my responsibility to get in touch with people and I have to make sure that I make time for them. On a positive note I also make a ton of friends being an RA. I keep in touch with a lot of people from last year and am making new friends this year as well. I like the opportunity to meet a lot of different people besides maybe just people in my major if I hadn't been an RA.

Q: What is the most important thing you have gained from being an RA?
A: The most important think I’ve gained is learning how to respond to any situation. You never know what type of problem might come up on your floor or when you are on duty so I feel like that is a really good skill to have. Also it can transfer to a lot of different things like a job in the future.