Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Interview with Previous Williams Village Resident Courtney Steinkrauss

Q: What are the best and worst parts of living in an off campus dorm?
A: Worst Part: Buff Bus. You got pushed around a lot to try and get on in the mornings, waiting in the snow for the bus. I wish I lived on a co-ed floor because living on an all girls floor was catty.

Q: Best part of WillVill
A: Burritos, Secret tunnel between Sterns East and West no one knew about, bigger rooms than other dorms.

Q: And the negatives? 
A: Definitely outweigh the positives.

Q: Did you know your roommate previously? Did you guys get along? Was your floor all friends?
A: No, it was a random assignment. Yes, but she transferred after first semester so then I had a single. I liked having a single because it was more space, but it was lonely. The people on my floor were not friends with anyone, it was very segregated. Doors were constantly closed.

Q: Where would you rather have lived and why?
A: I would have rather lived anywhere around Farrand Field because a better community of freshman, closer classes, better food, and no buff bus.

Q: Did you feel like you built a relationship with your RA?
A: Yes, she was my next door neighbor. She was really nice and I felt that I could always go to here if I had a question. She helped me find my community service hours and when someone puked in the bathroom she never said anything.

Q: How was your overall experience living in the dorms?
A: It was fine, I would have rather been in a different dorm, but I had a good experience.

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