Thursday, December 9, 2010

Interview with Kyle Kosco, a sophomore at Flagler College, a small private college located in St. Augustine, FL:

Q: Where do you go to school and what year are you?

A: I'm a sophomore at Flagler College.

Q: What style dorm did you live in in?

A: A 3-story dormitory which was unfortunately, all guys. All the rooms were doubles joined by a
common bathroom. There was one RA per floor, but I never saw mine much.

Q: What was your favorite part of living in the dorms?

A: Being near all my buds, not having to drive across town just to see friends.

Q: How did you like sharing a bathroom with only 3 other people?

A: It definitely got really dirty with 3 guys but I do prefer it over sharing one with an entire floor.

Q: How was your roommate?

A: He was good, we got along fine. We went to high school together, but I do wish that I roomed with someone I didn't know before.

Q:What was your least favorite part about the dorms?

A: Room checks. They were usually towards the end of every month. Basically, RA's would come
around and search our room, fridge, and closet. The no girls aspect was a downer as well.

Q: Could you describe your overall dorm experiece?

A: I'd say that while we were there, we complained a fair amount and maybe more than we should
have. But looking back, we made the best out of it and it wasn't as bad as we thought it was at the time. Living off campus is the way to go.

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